Well the time has finally come, it is time for teachers to go back to their 7:30 - 4 schedule. We have actually already been back for the whole week. The kids don't start back until the 25
th. I am happy to be back to see all the familiar faces and to meet the 28 new teachers on our campus! I am also happy to be teaching
Pre-K, which I haven't done in 8 years. Madison will be going into 2
nd grade at Katy Elementary and
Cade will be in
Pre-school at the Lutheran church in old Katy. I am excited for the kids to meet their teachers and to see which friends are in their classes. Hopefully Madison will get the teacher she wants and have all of her future "sorority" sisters in her class. She and her friends have it all worked out as to whom should be
in which class! We'll see.....