Monday, December 8, 2008


So I hate when people say they are just so busy to do whatever...yada, yada, yada.... My usual cold hearted response is yeah were all busy so +*%&$$##. BUT I think I may really just be too busy to keep this blog up to date.
I have 591 pictures stored in my camera and some of them are just darling. You may never be able to see them unless you are holding my camera in your hand. That is just my current reality. I do however have high hopes of catching up with this over Christmas vacation and of course I will be totally current during the beloved summer.
Check back with me....just not too soon!


Debbie said...

Ahh, the beloved summer. Can it get here quick enough? Well, at least we have the 2 weeks of winter break almost here! So glad you are loving PK. I am having another interesting year, but I think I'll make it. Hope to talk to you soon!

Kelly said...

you had time to add a suuuuper cute background - way to go!