This is the fish Madison caught!

This is the fish Mommy caught!

Here is Aaron and Cade gearing up to catch fish......
Cade got a taste of fishing here in our neighborhood a few weeks ago and just loved it! Our neighbors were out at the lakes here in our subdivision and they let Cade participate. He was hooked from that point on. So we got Cade a Sponge Bob fishing pole and Aaron got a regular fishing pole and were ready to go. We went to MaryJo Peckham park for our big fishing adventure. Madison and I were going to be passive observers of the fishing process and maybe feed some ducks. Well, things didn't turn out quite as planned..... Aaron ended up needing some help with his fishing pole and Cade somehow lost interest when the fish weren't biting so before we knew it maddy and I were the ones fishing! Here are the photos of the fish the GIRLS caught! By the way...the boys didn't catch any. Maybe next time guys!
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