So I absolutely love to read Christian fiction (and non-fiction, but that is a whole other conversation...). I just finished reading all the Francine Rivers books and I have been searching for the perfect next collection. I keep coming across Karen Kingsbury books but I never know where to start. I finally got on her website: and read the book lists. It recommends where to start in her series....yippee! So I am going to start with the Redemption Series. I usually get my books from the public library so I got on the website to put the first book in that series on hold but I am 5th in line for it!!!! This is tragic! I am so bad at waiting.
If you are reading this and you have the Redemption series....I would love to borrow it!
My other exciting new thing is The CrockPot Lady. That is not really her name but that is what I call her. This lady has a blog where she cooks a different crockpot meal each day for a year. COOL! Tonight we had the Ziti, tomorrow night we will be having Candy Chicken. The Ziti was really quite good. I added Italian sausage because it didn't have any meat in it.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My Problem......
Okay so here's the problem.....
I get time off from work and I am so very excited then I take on little projects around the house and one thing leads to another and I find myself needing something from the store.....before you know it I am standing in the middle of Wal Mart, Charming Charlie's, Katy Mills, (you can fill in the blank). I spend money being home. Does this happen to you? I was driving to HEB today and I passed by Charming Charlie's. I usually don't have time to browse because I am ALWAYS in a hurry. Today I am in no hurry at all.....
On the flip side I did end up getting a new purse and wallet that I did need. It ends up my little Madison has excellent and decisive taste. She helped me eliminate choices and narrow in on something that wasn't for a "very cool" mom but would increase my style. (She is painfully honest). This purchase did cost me one pair of greens Crocs for Cade, for waiting so patiently and some bling for Maddy for being my style consultant.

This is actually a little cuter in person, a little more shiny etc... the wallet is so neat it is hard sided and opens with a clasp...I just LOVE it.
Bottom line...if I want to be home then I have to work.....that makes no sense does it???
My life does seem so full of irony.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The kids and I are on a staycation from school. We just found out that we have the rest of the week off. There are still many KISD schools without power and many Katy families without power and/or water. We actually have everything restored and have for quite some time. We even have our satelite working great. I feel indulged when I know others are really suffering.
The kids and I went to Hobby Lobby to get some crafts today. We figured we needed to fill the time. I am not sure who enjoys "crafting" the most, me or them!
After being home with them this week it has made me realize how much I long to be more available to them. I would love to be able to go to their classrooms and volunteer and eat lunch with Maddy or drive Cade to Pre-school. I also love cooking nice meals without rushing or feeling stressed after a chaotic day at work. Last night we all cuddled up and read books and I actually enjoyed it! Maybe that's because I wasn't totally burned out after working all day. Maybe it's time for a change....I wonder what Aaron will think....hmm...... I better be cooking some really yummy meals!
I am including this picture because I absolutely LOVE it.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The rest of the story...Hurricane IKE
So we did survive The big hurricane. We have a couple missing shingles, some fence damage and a few leaky windows. The kids and I are safe and sound. We were without power for less than 24 hours. Our phone and internet service is in and out and the power still flickers. I am exhausted I mean truly and completely exhausted. I am going to take a hot bath and sleep until I have to wake.
Thanks for all your prayers and phone calls.
Thanks for all your prayers and phone calls.
Hurricane IKE update
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hurricane IKE
Well this is supposed to be the big one for Houston. Hurrican IKE is on it's way. Aaron is in Canada working and I am home with the kids. My neighborhood has really pulled together and we are all helping eachother out. The neighbors know that I am home without Aaron and they have been so supportive and helpful. Brad came by with his brother and moved ALL my backyard stuff into the garage, this includes disassembling our playground! Paul and Elizabeth have offered any type of help we may need during and after the storm, Thanks guys! I was going to go to Stacy and Brad's house to hunker down with them but with all our neighborhood support I have decided to stay put.
The kids are taking naps right now in preparation for a long night ahead.
Please pray for our family and all the families who are experiencing anxiety right now.
The kids are taking naps right now in preparation for a long night ahead.
Please pray for our family and all the families who are experiencing anxiety right now.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So I have finally joined a Bunco group at my school. I have decided that the kids can survive one night a month without me. Aaron can hold down the fort while I get out with some teacher friends. I have played twice now and I haven't won anything yet, BUT I have gotten Bunco a couple of times. It is really nice to visit with ladies that I don't get to really talk to that much. We also bring yummy food to share!
Labor Day Fun!

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