Monday, September 22, 2008

Karen Kingsbury and the Crockpot Lady

So I absolutely love to read Christian fiction (and non-fiction, but that is a whole other conversation...). I just finished reading all the Francine Rivers books and I have been searching for the perfect next collection. I keep coming across Karen Kingsbury books but I never know where to start. I finally got on her website: and read the book lists. It recommends where to start in her series....yippee! So I am going to start with the Redemption Series. I usually get my books from the public library so I got on the website to put the first book in that series on hold but I am 5th in line for it!!!! This is tragic! I am so bad at waiting.
If you are reading this and you have the Redemption series....I would love to borrow it!

My other exciting new thing is The CrockPot Lady. That is not really her name but that is what I call her. This lady has a blog where she cooks a different crockpot meal each day for a year. COOL! Tonight we had the Ziti, tomorrow night we will be having Candy Chicken. The Ziti was really quite good. I added Italian sausage because it didn't have any meat in it.

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