I took my first trip away from home without Aaron or the kids. The elementary school that I work for invited the teachers to attend a Love and Logic conference presented by Jim and Charles Fey. The conference was in Witchita, Kansas. Love and Logic is a behavior management system for teachers and parents. It is a truly wonderful program that all parents should use with their children from toddlers to teens. There is even a Love and Logic program for marriage (don't tell Aaron...ha ha!!).
23 teachers and administrators from our campus attended this conference. We decided to drive the 10 hour trip. It was so much fun! We filled our evenings with movies, dinner theatre and games. It was nice to be away and recharge my battery.
I have been home just 3 days now and I already feel like a better parent. I am not sure if it was the new Love and Logic lessons or if it was just the break. Either way, it sure is good to be home.
I feel like a better wife and mother since we got back. I think Brad is going to send me away more often.
many tears...wish i was there! is that sarcasm you may be asking?? hhmm...i don't think it is!
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