Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More about Mittens!

Look at Mittens in the baby carriage!

Every picture of Cade with Mittens is blury
due to the constant motion when they are

Aaron has come to love Mittens too!

Looking at his cute white paws it is easy to see
where his name came from!

Well Mittens has been in our family for 10 days now. We have found out that he is a boy and he loves to be cuddled. Mittens has an extremley high tolerance for kids! Mittens allows the kids to play baby with him. They dress him up and put him in the high chair (made for dolls) and the stroller. He actually seems to like this. On the other hand when the kids go to bed Mittens is ALL OVER Aaron and me.
We have been to the vet and all is well with his health. Mittens weighs a whopping 1.14 lbs! We are aiming for 2 lbs this week.

Enjoy our new family photos!


Debbie said...

Awww! Mittens is so cute! I remember how much fun Angela had with her kitten - she did the same kinds of things, dressing it up, etc. The kids will have good memories. Then one day you will be like me - they will be off to college or whatever and you will have Mittens to keep you company!

Kelly said...

she is so cute!